Fourth Wednesdays, 6-7pm
Join us for our regular monthly meeting March 26! We will share what we know, what we’re doing, and what we need.
We’ll cover the current constitutional crisis, the federal budget crisis, the immigration crisis, any other to-be-named crisis, and we will even dare to celebrate and laugh a little. The best antidote to fascism is to come together in community, to organize and mobilize and that’s what we do best.
We have been an Indivisible group since 2016, support the strategies in the Indivisible Guide, and believe in the power of community and in local action. Over the years we have built a brilliant community of people who care, who show up, and who support each other.
Whether you’re new to this or cannot believe we are still at it, you are welcome to join.
We meet every month on zoom, the fourth Wednesday, from 6pm-7pm.
If you are a progressive who seeks an outlet for your frustration, anxiety and desire to make a change, join us!
If you are a progressive who cares about social justice, join us!
If you are a progressive who longs to be a part of a community of others like you, join us!
Indivisible Sausalito is a local grassroots organization which supports civic engagement. We seek a government for the people, by the people, and of the people. We meet with our elected officials to hold them accountable to our values, and we work in coalition with many local organizations, including other local Indivisible groups as part of a national progressive movement.
Power of Many – In Sausalito we are “Small But Mighty” and as an Indivisible group we are part of a national network of 6,000 chapters, at least one in every congressional district in the country. Locally, regionally, statewide, and nationally, we talk to each other, we share best practices and strategize on how to use our combined power to effect change. If you join Indivisible, you are not just joining a group you are joining a Movement.